Clif­ford Chance Warsaw is looking for professionals – join the team! 2 miesięcy temu
Zdjęcie: 3

Clif­ford Chance has an out­stan­ding team with a com­pre­hen­sive dispute reso­lu­tion prac­tice cove­ring high-sta­kes arbi­tra­tion, inc­lu­ding inve­st­ment arbi­tra­tion, as well as com­mer­cial dispu­tes and white-col­lar crime mat­ters. The team advi­ses banks and other finan­cial insti­tu­tions, in addi­tion to blue-chip inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­rate clients from a broad array of indu­stries. The law firm han­dles com­mer­cial liti­ga­tion, with acti­vity invo­lving con­struc­tion, finan­cial regu­la­tory, energy and sha­re­hol­der dispu­tes. Our team is seeking a highly moti­va­ted and expe­rien­ced Liti­ga­tion Asso­ciate to join our dyna­mic team in War­saw. The suc­cess­ful can­di­date will work on a variety of com­plex dispu­tes, pro­vi­ding high-quality legal advice and repre­sen­ta­tion to our clients.

Key Respon­si­bi­li­ties

  • Manage and advise on a range of gene­ral com­mer­cial liti­ga­tion and arbi­tra­tion mat­ters.
  • Con­duct legal rese­arch and draft ple­adings, motions, and other court docu­ments.
  • Repre­sent clients in court, arbi­tra­tion, and media­tion pro­ce­edings.
  • Col­la­bo­rate with other team mem­bers and depart­ments to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive legal solu­tions.
  • Main­tain up-to-date know­ledge of rele­vant laws, regu­la­tions, and indu­stry prac­tices.
  • Build and main­tain strong client rela­tion­ships, ensu­ring excel­lent client service.


  • Quali­fied advo­cate.
  • Strong aca­de­mic back­gro­und with a degree in law from a reco­gni­sed insti­tu­tion.
  • Pro­ven expe­rience in han­dling com­plex dispu­tes.
  • Excel­lent ana­ly­ti­cal, dra­fting, and nego­tia­tion skills.
  • Abi­lity to work effec­ti­vely under pres­sure and manage mul­ti­ple prio­ri­ties.
  • Strong inter­per­so­nal and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, with the abi­lity to work col­la­bo­ra­ti­vely in a team envi­ron­ment.
  • Com­mit­ment to deli­ve­ring high-quality legal servi­ces and achie­ving the best out­co­mes for clients.

Who we are

We are one of the lar­gest inter­na­tio­nal law firms in the world. With over 30 offi­ces across the globe, we strive to exceed the expec­ta­tions of our clients, pro­vi­ding them with the highest-quality advice and legal insi­ght, which com­bi­nes the fir­m’s glo­bal stan­dards with in-depth local exper­tise.

Our firm, work and people span juris­dic­tions, cul­tu­res, and lan­gu­ages. We offer our clients a truly inter­na­tio­nal per­spec­tive. We believe every career sho­uld be rewar­ding and sti­mu­la­ting – full of oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn, thrive, and grow. Tha­t’s why we’re so proud of our inc­lu­sive, frien­dly, and team-based appro­ach to work.

You’ll find our clients in com­mer­cial and indu­strial sec­tors, the finan­cial inve­stor com­mu­nity, govern­ments, regu­la­tors, trade bodies, and not-for-pro­fit orga­ni­sa­tions. But no mat­ter who they are or why they­’ve reached out to us, we pro­vide a world-class service every step of the way. And tha­t’s possi­ble thanks to the entre­pre­neu­rial spi­rit and con­scien­tious appro­ach to work that you’ll find across all of our teams.

Whi­che­ver area of the busi­ness you join, you’ll become an inte­gral part an inno­va­tive, diverse and ambi­tious team of people. Clif­ford Chance is a place where the bri­gh­test minds and the best of col­le­agues meet.

Equal oppor­tu­ni­ties sta­te­ment

At Clif­ford Chance, we under­stand that our true asset is our people. Inc­lu­sion is good for our team and their fami­lies, our firm and society.

We are com­mit­ted to tre­ating all employ­ees and appli­cants fairly and equ­ally regar­dless of their gen­der, gen­der iden­tity and expres­sion, mari­tal or civil part­ner­ship sta­tus, race, colour, natio­nal or eth­nic ori­gin, social or eco­no­mic back­gro­und, disabi­lity, reli­gious belief, sexual orien­ta­tion, or age. This applies to recru­it­ment and selec­tion, terms and con­di­tions of employ­ment inc­lu­ding pay, pro­mo­tion, tra­ining, trans­fer and every other aspect of employ­ment.

We have a variety of flo­uri­shing employee networks. These networks are a place for col­le­agues to share expe­riences and advo­cate for change whe­re­ver they see an oppor­tu­nity for impro­ve­ment.

Our goal is to deli­ver an equ­ality of oppor­tu­nity, an equ­ality of aspi­ra­tion and an equ­ality of expe­rience to eve­ry­one who works in our firm.

Find out more about our inc­lu­sive cul­ture here.

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